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Susan Humphrey: 
"The Wild Horse Artist"

February 2022

The beauty of Colorado is my spirit! For someone to enjoy my artwork, is like looking into my heart and sharing something that is so personal, I keep it guarded at times. I use my photography as a record of the history, as well as the awesome beauty of the area. I remember all of the family stories about moving cattle around the area, the wildlife seen and the accidental rodeos along the way. I love the way that you can stand in the high alpine and see the desert adobes in the distance. The more art I create, the more amazing detail I see. I have also become fascinated with the mustangs in Sand Wash Basin in Northwestern Colorado. I especially like to capture the landscapes and ranch life. I hope that you enjoy visiting Colorado through my eyes and art!


Susan Humphrey Bio


I am Susan Humphrey, native of Montrose. I was fortunate to be raised on a Hereford ranch near the Black Canyon National Park on a generational family ranch. The experiences and exposure to that life style has played a significant part through out my life.  My husband, Dan and I have lived our entire lives in the area. We have many interests and are agriculturists. We have a daughter, son-in-law and two amazing grandchildren.

My photography interests are wild horses, native wildlife and landscapes.  I also enjoy photographing ranch life! Brandings, cattle drives, and rodeos are also of great interest to me.  I have began to oil paint over the last several years and enjoy that very much as well. 

I am excited to present my work in  610 Arts Collective.  I hope that it is enjoyed with the same emotion as it was created.



SATURDAYS: 12-3+ (as volunteers are available) 

MOST SUNDAYS:  12-3+ (as volunteers are available)


Private Viewings by appointment

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610 Clinton St

Ridgway, CO 81432


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