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September 6-Oct 5 2024:

"Postcards from the Edge"

A Themed Exhibition of Original Works by Area Artists


entry form with full details here


For this show artists should focus on creating an original “postcard” on a frameless 5” x 7” surface (of your choice) that answers the question 

“Where have we been?” or “Where are we going?” 










The work can display the front or back (side with writing) OR both sides of a postcard, using any images or writing of your choosing. 

3D work is acceptable, but should still engage with the theme and represent as a postcard -- meaning the depth of the piece should be minimal or should be centered around this postcard concept at its core. When thinking about creating your “postcard” be sure to focus on one of those question prompts.   Your imagination is the limit, as the image you feature could be entirely fictional or abstract. Who is “we”?  It’s entirely up to you. Registration forms are available at or at The 610 Arts Collective. If you need a canvas to work with, we will have some available for purchase at the 610 Arts Collective gallery!


ARTWORK DROP OFF & REGISTRATION: August 31 from 10-Noon or September 3rd or 4th from 10 am - 4:30 pm

SHOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC: Sept 6th - October 4th 

Artist Reception: Friday, September 6th, 5-7pm in conjunction with First Friday

Awards Determined (via ribbons on gallery walls):  September 20th by Noon.

Award winners will be notified by email or phone as well on Sept. 20th   

ARTIST PICKUP: October 5th (10-Noon) or 8th (10-5).

AWARDS (determined by an unconflicted committee): 

Best Use of Theme

Best in Show
Each award comes with ribbon and cash prize 

($100 Best Use of Theme / $150 Best in Show)

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